Dr. Murphy is a Senior Lecturer at University College Cork, positioned in the Department of Economics in Cork University Business School since 2006. She lectures on economics, health economics – specifically economic evaluations at undergraduate and postgraduate level in UCC. To date she supervised two PhDs to completion; 2 postdoctoral researchers, 6 research assistants and over 40 MSc (taught with minor dissertation) to completion. She is currently supervising 4 PhD students. Past PhD students have secured employment in the national health technology assessment agency and private consultancy.
Dr Murphy has authored several articles and reports on health technology assessments and Economics Evaluations, including conducting systematic reviews for the Department of Health and NCEC in Ireland. Furthermore, she has advised the NHS in Scotland, NIHR HTA Programme in the UK and the European Commission on cost effectiveness of health technologies and health costing/financing. In addition, she has referred HTAs for the NHS HTA Programme and peer reviewed journals; and served on several scientific committees for international health economic conferences. She has been awarded funding from a variety of funding bodies including Health Research Board and Irish Research Council and industry, for conducting health economics research.